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Meet The Team



Joe started his business back in 2006 with modest residential holiday lighting. After some time in the holiday lighting business and networking around with colleagues in the industry, he slowly started to expand into different territory and oh how things have grown. Fifteen years later he has grown an incredible lighting and design business working with commercial properties and businesses, municipalities, events, and everything in between. Joe eats, sleeps, and breathes his work -truly- whether it’s waking up at 3AM to reset GFCI’s at commercial properties or leaving the office on a Sunday at 11PM – he’s done it all. On the rare occasion that he isn’t working, he does like to enjoy an afternoon by the pool and quality time with his three children.



Wilmer is the person that keeps all of our commercial and municipal installs under control and running smoothly! You can find him on the ground, 100′ up in a lift, running around to residential installs, and anything in between. His special talent is taking on a large, detailed project and being able to coordinate the crew to execute it with ease. He is an essential member of our team and we are so lucky to have him all these years – he started right at the beginning in 2006!

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